Wands and Cups

Typescenes is a collection of prose poems, meaning poems that are presented in paragraph form, without linebreaks to denote meter. ButĀ Typescenes certainly hasĀ a meter; it is a rhythmic, danceable book with a recognizable scansion. Poet Steven Moller has broken down the book’s meter, illustrating it with “wands and cups.” We present the meter of several of the poems, without the actual text, here.

Wands and Cups for Re-enter Eric Angela and John


Wands and Cups for Enter Disputed Circumstances


Wands and Cups for Enter Women


Wands and Cups for Enter Dirt


Wands and Cups for Enter People in Great Financial Need and those with Lesser Need


Wands and Cups for Enter Families (i)


Wands and Cups for Enter Lying, Untruth Bucket


Wands and Cups for Enter Tombs and Black Dead Bodies


Wands and Cups for Enter Things that Make Fire


Steven Thomas Moller is a poet and recent St. Francis College MFA graduate. During his graduate program, he learned and embraced the metrical practices taught under the care and guidance of Annie Finch. He is currently working on his first collection of poetry. Steven is from Brooklyn, New York.